Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Blabberchops Express

Do you love talking? Do you love Blabberchops?

Well here's a way to combine the two!

Now, not only can you talk about Blabberchops, you can talk 'Blabberchops!' - the striking new language taking the world by storm.

In London to the gay Paris, hip young art students are talking 'Blabberchops!' in smoky bars and cafe's.

You see I, J.R. have led a fulfilling life, rich in contoversy and intrigue. But still something was missing.
So one night, that seemed to bleed into every other, I was singing 'Cry me a river' for the umpteenth time. And then, as if hit by forces unseen, I was struck with a moment of mental clarity - I need my own language! So thereby it was created.
Word spread pretty fast. Soon EVERYBODY was talking about this brave new language brought about by one seemingly unknown jazz musician in a seedier part of town.
And now you can speak it too! Read on to learn more................

crash course in 'Blabberchops!'

Use in everyday conversation - ie:

When ending a phone call conclude by say 'Have a Blabberchops day!' - and then promptly direct them to this website.
(this can be used at work too. Don't be afraid of your boss. How dare he tell you what to do!)

When someone tells a story rich in intrigue or conspiracy you can join in by saying 'Wow! What a Blabberchops experience!' - and then promptly direct them to this website.

When somebody makes a quirky comment or you see something absolutely hilariously fantastic you may say - 'How Blabberchops is that!' - and then promptly direct them to this website.

And it doesn't stop there! There's a Blabberchops saying fit for EVERY situation!

Come back next week to learn more, OR if you have a particular scenario in which you would like a Blabberchops saying to be inserted please leave a description in the comments below and I, J.R. Will endeavor to be of service.
Thank you for your unending support.
This is J.R. Blabberchops, signing out.


Blogger The Daily Tattler said...

That is the chops ses I!
I say J.R. certainly wished she knew how to let non bloggers post!

2:59 AM  

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